Note: We strongly suggest all players have an active e-mail address in order to receive important communication throughout the season. If you do not currently have an e-mail address, please log onto an e-mail provider such as or to sign up for a free account.
Step #3
Visit "Divisions of Play" under Policies section to go back to step 1
Visit "Membership Levels/Fees" under Policies section for step 2

Membership Registration
Application for membership will begin on February 17, 2014 at 8:00 am CST. For those players that were members of the Tour in 2013, an email will be sent out with your 2013 ID and password the Friday prior to the beginning of sign-ups. These individuals will need to use this information when signing up for the 2014 season. On the morning of February 17th there will be a "MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION" button on the lower left-hand side of the homepage for new members along with a "PAST MEMBER LOG-IN" button for previous members of the association.

Once a prospective members information is verified through the Tour office (could take up to 48 hours), their application will be processed through our system. It is important to note that you will be charged the $105.00 membership fee when your membership application is processed. 

There is no deadline for membership registration. We will take applications for membership all the way through the last week of the season. If you are registering for membership after the season has begun (after May 27) we highly suggest to take a look at the "Tournament Schedule" to be sure there are enough tournaments still available within your division that would warrant paying the membership fee to be able to participate.

Note: Be sure on your application that the email address you fill in for "Golfer's Email" is your primary email as all email communication will be sent to that particular address.

Tournament Registration

How many tournaments can you play?

  1. adidas Players 2 Day Series (Spring/Fall) - Unlimited
  2. Ashworth Elite Series (Spring/Fall) - Unlimited
  3. adidas Players One Day and TaylorMade Championship Series (Summer) - 8 total events to include the max of three "A" events (see below for "A" Tournaments)
    *TaylorMade Championship Series events are multiple day events but count just as one toward the maximum*

Tournament registration will take place in two stages :

  • The 1st series of sign-ups will be for the Spring Match Play, adidas Players 2 Day Series and Ashworth Elite Series events in March and April. These will open when membership registration opens on February 17th. 

  • The 2nd series of tournament sign-ups will take place the week of April 14 - 18. New to 2014, priority will be given for tournament registration to those members that have had full membership for the most number of years on the TGA Junior Tour. The more years of membership the earlier in the week that member will be able to sign up for events. The specific day will be determined by the following structure: 

    4 or more years: Monday, April 14th at 8:00 AM CDT
    2 - 3 years: Tuesday, April 15th at 8:00 AM CDT
    1 year: Wednesday, April 16th at 8:00 AM CDT
    New Member: Thursday, April 17th at 8:00 AM CDT

    Membership as of Apr 16, 2014

  • "A" Tournaments - High Demand Designation
    Also new for 2014, will be a "high demand" designation between our summer one day events. The events with a history of high demand each year (i.e. McCabe, Two Rivers, Nashboro, etc.) will be given an "A" designation. Players will be limited to registering for a maximum of three (3) of the following "A" tournaments out of the total allowable maximum of eight (up from 7 in 2013):

    May 28th: Nashboro GC "A"
    June 12th: Champions Run GC "A"
    June 19th: Ted Rhodes GC "A"
    June 23rd: Temple Hills GC "A"
    June 24th: McCabe GC "A"
    July 1st: Indian Hills GC "A"
    July 7th: Smyrna GC "A"
    July 10th: Country Hills GC "A"
    *These are all courses in the Middle Tennessee area and historically fill up quickly each year during our initial tournament registration period.

    We have also set the registration opening dates to May 5th for the following courses in an effort to offer availability for those members who sign up at a later date:

    June 5: Indian Hills GC
    June 10: Country Hills GC
    July 2: Champions Run GC
    July 9: Nashboro GC

    *For those who may be concerned that all the events will be full before they are able to sign up, please be assured that every effort will be made to add dates and sites to the schedule prior to the start of the season to be sure everyone has enough playing opportunities.

To sign up for a particular event, the most efficient way is to log-in to your player profile on our homepage and access the tournaments from within your profile rather than from the main tournament page. By doing this, the system will recognize who you are and allow you to sign up for multiple events at one time thus expediting the process of signing up for more then one event.

All events (excluding Ashworth Elite Series) are filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. We do not reserve spots for certain divisions in our events. All tournament deadlines will be seven (7) days prior to the event at 5:00 PM CDT. For example, if a tournament is set to take place on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 the registration deadline for this event will be the Tuesday prior (June 3, 2014) at 5:00 PM CDT. If there are open spots in a particular tournament after its deadline has passed we will do our best to fill the field via phoned-in registrations (615.790.3336). 

Please note, that phoned-in registrations will only be accepted if, 1.) the deadline has already passed, and 2.) there are open spots in the tournament. All tournament registrations prior to the deadline must be done online under the players "Member Profile".

For more information on obtaining tee times for each event as well as information on our waiting list procedures please view the "Tee Times/Waiting Lists" sub-section under our "Policies" section.